Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Radio Broadcast on Jules Verne

I was interviewed for the RTE Radio One programme The Arts Show by Vincent Woods on Tuesday, the 17th June, 2008, to talk about the republication by the Royal Irish Academy of Verne's lesser-known Irish-themed and Dickensian-inspired novel P'tit Bonhomme, the translated title being republished variously as Foundling Mick; A lad of grit, and The extraordinary adventures of Foundling Mick, the latter being the title given to this existing, 1896 anonymous, abridged translation by the Royal Irish Academy for their 2008 republication of this novel. (I had written an article entitled Translating Foundling Mick for this republication, and spoke about the novel's themes, Verne's Irish and Dickensian connections, the quality of the translation, the place of the novel within Verne's overall body of work, etc., in the course of this interview).

The interview can be heard at .

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to Ralph Hidalg for his comments; unfortunately, I cannot read the Chinese lettering but will ask a Chinese colleague to translate for me.
